IMLA appoints Tugwell and Darwin to top roles

The Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association (IMLA) has appointed Richard Tugwell, director of Intermediary Relationships at Virgin Money its deputy chairman and Paul Darwin, head of intermediary sales at Skipton Intermediaries as a director.
The two appointments follow the announcement in March 2014 that Charles Haresnape, managing director for residential Mortgages at Aldermore Bank, will serve as IMLA’s new chairman until its Annual General Meeting in November.
Richard Tugwell (pictured) joined Virgin Money in 1986, having begun his career in stores before progressing through to area sales manager. He specialised into the intermediary channel, as southern divisional manager and then to director of intermediary relationships.
He has served on IMLA’s management committee since 2012.
Richard Tugwell said: “I am honoured to be asked to serve IMLA as deputy chairman and will strive to represent the membership and the industry fully in this capacity.”
Paul Darwin began his career as a graduate trainee with Nationwide, and has now been head of intermediary sales at Skipton Intermediaries for the last ten years.

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Paul Darwin commented: “Alongside greater optimism in the housing market and a strong uplift in mortgage growth, there are new challenges in the form of more stringent regulation and an increasing percentage of business through the broker channel.”