Foundation Home Loans joins Connect Mortgage Club panel
Foundation Home Loans (FHL) has been added to the Connect Mortgage Club panel following the lender’s announcement that it is poised to join the market early next week.
The lender revealed its mortgage offering on Thursday, aiming to attract new landlords with its range of niche buy-to-let products.
FHL’s products will include fixed and discounted tracker rates from 3.75% with some adverse credit accepted and no minimum income requirements.
Connect Mortgage Club managing director Liz Syms (pictured) said Foundation had tried to cater for clients with its flexible lending model.
“Slight case complexities are becoming the norm in today’s mortgage market and intermediaries require more competitive finance options in this area for their clients,” she said.
“By placing more emphasis on human underwriting expertise and not credit scoring, I am confident that FHL will be warmly received by the broker community and we are delighted to be one of the few distributors currently able to promote these great products.”

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Foundation Home Loans business development director Paul Brett said: “Through our products and diverse criteria we want to freshen up the market for intermediaries and listen to underserved needs of their investor clients.”
Further distribution partners are due to be revealed by Foundation Home Loans in line with its launch on Tuesday 24 February.