Competition winner: Shelling out on pet expenses

Guest Author:
Mortgage SolutionsIn October, Mortgage Solutions, in partnership with TFC Homeloans, asked readers to write in with the most unusual entry they had ever seen on a client’s bank statement.
The responses certainly raised a few eyebrows and laughs in the office. We’d like to thank all our readers for taking the time to email us.
The winner of the Fortum & Mason hamper is Simon Holland of Enterprise Consulting in Surrey for his entry about ‘shelling’ out on pet expenses.
Simon writes…
“In a case I conducted around a year ago the client was making payments to a tortoise walking service. This service cost him £175 per month for someone to come in and walk his shelled pets. Mind you, he had an epic collection of tortoises with one that stood about 18 inches tall at the height of its shell.”
Thanks Simon, the hamper is on its way courtesy of TFC Homeloans.

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Have a go at November’s competition: we would like to know about your clients’ most unusual buy-to-let properties.