

Exclusive: MAB recruits Intrinsic’s Emma Hollingworth and Andy Walton

Victoria Hartley
Written By:
May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017

Listed broker firm Mortgage Advice Bureau (MAB) has created two new proposition director roles to secure two of Intrinsic’s top mortgage and protection executives, Emma Hollingworth and Andy Walton.

Intrinsic Financial Services’ Hollingworth leaves her sales director, mortgage network role to become mortgage proposition director at MAB and protection sales director Andy Walton leaves to become protection proposition director at MAB.

Both joined Intrinsic Financial Services in August 2012 with start dates at MAB to be confirmed later in the Summer.

MAB CEO Peter Brodnicki said: “With so much change and opportunity ahead of us, it is crucially important for us to have strength in depth, and the strategically important appointments of Emma and Andy deliver exactly that.
Specialisation has been a key factor in MAB’s success to date, and the appointment of such high calibre individuals into these two new roles, combined with the other key appointments and investments last year, ensure MAB has the skills and expertise in depth across the business.”

He added: “This is great news for our AR partners and advisers, as we look to build new and exciting distribution solutions, whilst we align ourselves even closer with our customers and their future needs.”

Hollingworth has been appointed to strategically shape the mortgage proposition, its technology and lending. This will include specialist lead generation for MAB advisers and opportunities in the remortgage and retention space as well as MAB’s joint venture in Australia.


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There is no crossover into Brian Murphy, head of lending’s role, who continues to oversee lending relationships, PR and lending to broker firms.

Walton joins after MAB bought a 20% share in protection specialist Vita in June last year to extend options for MAB distribution and further improve consistency of protection and GI advice provided within the group.

Walton’s strong record at Intrinsic includes a massive increase in protection sales volumes and consistency over his tenure and at MAB, he will own the whole proposition from product, technology to marketing, Vita and all development, communication and distribution strategies.

Hollingworth, mortgage proposition director at MAB, said: “I have always admired MAB’s seemingly never ending ambition and passion, and the fact that they have always led not followed.

“It is clear that the intermediary landscape is going to be changing, which is a huge opportunity for those businesses like MAB that are both bold and decisive, and so I am really looking forward to joining such a vibrant business and management team and at such a defining time for the intermediary sector.

“I look forward to playing my part in MAB’s continuing evolution.”

Walton, protection proposition director at MAB said: “The team at MAB are hugely talented and well-respected by their membership and the industry at large. Protection is a massive focus for MAB and we need to ensure all customers receive advice in this critical area.

I am really looking forward to helping drive forward the protection side of the business.”

Andy Thompson, Intrinsic CEO, thanked Hollingworth and Walton on behalf of everyone at Intrinsic and wished them both luck for the future.

“Intrinsic is committed to continuing our market-leading support for advisers and this year introduced a separate business channel for mortgages to give that part of the business representation and accountability at board level.

“We recently announced that Stephen Gazard would be joining the business from Sesame Bankhall Group to oversee the mortgage and protection business and we will be working to appoint experienced successors to both Emma and Andy in the near future.”