The products are for new customers, with products for individual and company landlords with single residential investment properties along with landlords with multi-property products.
For individual and company landlords with single residential investment properties, a two-year fixed rate up to 75% loan to value (LTV) with a 3% fee at 4.89% is available.
The range also has a no-fee five-year fixed rate up to 75% LTV at 5.99%, with its 1.5% fee deal priced at 5.69% and its 5% fee version priced at 4.99%.
Multi-property products for individual and company landlords with residential investment properties can secure a two-year fixed rate up to 75% LTV with a 3% fee at 4.84%.
Aldermore will also offer a fee-free five-year fixed rate at 5.94%, a 1.5% fee option at 5.64%, a 5% fee deal at 4.94% and a £1,999 fee option at 5.89%.

How the housing landscape is set to shift
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Jon Cooper (pictured), director of mortgages at Aldermore, said: “We’re delighted to reintroduce these limited-edition products back into the market, providing more choice and favourable rates for landlords looking to secure a mortgage in the new year.”
Earlier this month, Aldermore lowered select rates by up to 0.2% and reintroduced 95% LTV products.