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Natwest Local Heroes adviser awards raises £12,000 for children’s charity

by: Mortgage Solutions
  • 20/05/2022
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Attendees at the Natwest Local Hero Mortgage Awards raised an incredible £12,000 in the after-dinner collection for the Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

Funds raised by the 200-strong audience will go toward virtual reality headsets to settle and offer comfort to children receiving treatment at the hospital.

Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity is working to raise just over £100,000 this year to purchase virtual reality (VR) equipment to help young patients endure the clinical procedures they desperately need. Blood tests, dressing changes, and preparation for surgery can cause severe anxiety and distress.

Pilot studies in several wards across the hospital have shown that the use of virtual reality headsets can greatly improve the experience and the clinical outcomes for these patients. They have also demonstrated a positive impact on patients’ families/carers and the clinical staff.

The third Local Hero Mortgage Awards held on 10 March celebrated brokers who have supported their local communities via advice, outreach and advocacy.

The lender said that it was “looking to identify and reward broker firms who are the adviser champions in their locality”.

Award categories are split into 13 local regions and shortlisted firms will compete against others in their locality.

Winning firms should show their position as local mortgage and protection experts, their commitment to quality advice, good customer outcomes and advocate for their local community.

The awards are judged by Natwest’s intermediary mortgage team, who assess nominations using the key areas of environment, inclusivity, wellbeing, charity and community.

Luke Christodoulides, national account manager, NatWest (pictured) said: “I’m absolutely delighted with the generosity that the attendees of our awards showed on the evening raising £12,000 for such a worthwhile cause; it represents what an amazing and caring industry we work in.”

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