Rogue London landlord ordered to pay £226k for flat conversion
A rogue landlord who “flouted planning laws” by illegally converting a single property into six flats has been ordered to pay £226,433 after Haringey Council succeeded in prosecuting the company.
Pathfield Estates had previously been ordered to return the property in Bounds Green to its original condition by a 2008 planning enforcement notice after the landlord had converted it into five flats without permission. An investigation carried out in 2020, however, uncovered a new six-flat conversion.
The breach of the enforcement notice led to Pathfield being convicted at Highbury Magistrates Court in 2021.
The magistrates referred the case to the Crown Court for sentencing and the start of confiscation proceedings brought by the council under the Proceedings of Crime Act (POCA).
Pathfield lodged two appeals against the conviction both of which were dismissed.
At its sentencing last month, the company was ordered to pay £226,433 made up of a £50,000 fine for not complying with the enforcement notice, a confiscation order under POCA of £163,258 to reflect its financial benefit from breaching the enforcement notice and a further £13,175 in costs.
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Haringey Council’s cabinet member for housing services, private renters and planning, Cllr Sarah Williams, said: “This conviction serves as a warning to disreputable landlords operating in our borough.
“Our residents deserve to live in safe, high-quality homes and we will not hesitate to take strong action if landlords flout planning laws or leave tenants to languish in poor conditions.
“I want to thank our planning enforcement team who worked tirelessly to get this result.”