Welsh government extends six-month notice period deadline for renters
The Welsh government has extended the deadline for landlords to give six month notice periods to evict tenants until March.
The six month notice period was introduced in March last year to curb evictions during the pandemic.
It was due to expire at the end of December but has now been extended to 24 March in light of rising cases and the Omicron variant.
Landlords are required to give six months’ notice for tenants in protected tenancies, statutory tenancies, secure tenancies, assured tenancies, assured shorthold tenancies, introductory tenancies and demoted tenancies.
This is not the cases where notices relate to anti-social behaviour or domestic violence.
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Welsh minister for climate change, Julie James, said: “The effect will to be to delay evictions meaning that fewer people will face eviction into homelessness at a time when this might exacerbate the spread of the virus and when local authorities are less able to respond to these situations.
“Those renting their homes will benefit from increased security and reduced anxiety and individuals at risk of eviction will be provided with increased time to seek support to resolve any problems, including applying to the Tenancy Hardship Grant scheme, which I introduced in July.”