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‘Jump in, the water’s lovely’: Your views on the great DA vs AR debate – Star Letter Extra

Mortgage Solutions
Written By:
October 27, 2017
October 27, 2017

This week two articles on the subject of brokers being directly authorised (DA) or appointed representatives (AR) sparked a heated debate.

Here, Mortgage Solutions rounds-up the best comment from those two articles by Personal Touch commercial director David Edwards and London Money director Martin Stewart.

Steven Lowe said: “We three brokers jumped ship in 2009 at the worst time possible and went into a DA partnership.

“The first two years were a struggle as with everyone else at that time but slowly things improved and now we have full control of all we do and more importantly keep 100% of our earnings minus insurances, fees and taxes.

“We got forced into setting-up ourselves because of circumstances and I’m not sure if not pushed into being a DA we would have jumped but stayed as ARs because it was easy. We had panels as ARs for life, general insurance and mortgages, but paid away around 40% of earnings.

“Now I would never be under a network, but it’s taken three to four years of hard work to get here. I understand not everyone is a risk taker or is forced to look at DA as an option, but I say jump in as over the long term as the water is lovely.”


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You can read all the comments below both the articles and add your thoughts there too.