Registration opens for the Mortgage Administrator iVent 2019

The Mortgage Administrator iVent 2019, brought to you by Mortgage Solutions and specifically tailored towards mortgage administrators and paraplanners, is open for registration.
The event will include a series of sessions including insight from underwriters, how to identify potential fraudulent cases, details on lending into retirement and many other key skills.
Hosted within a secure, online environment, participants will be able to access content and visit sponsor stands directly from their own desktop, laptop, or mobile device.
A series of first-class presentations and panel discussions designed to improve industry and product knowledge will be available.
Participants can contact lenders who will demonstrate their fields of expertise, and educate the audience on how to get applications ‘right first time’. Each lender will have a virtual exhibition with business development managers available to instant message with and exclusive factsheets and information to download.

How the housing landscape is set to shift
Sponsored by Halifax Intermediaries
And participants can meet a community of their peers to share, collaborate and form new relationships.
Sessions include:
The inside view from an experienced underwriter
Getting application submissions right first time is of paramount importance. With more products, more lenders, differing criteria and an increasing range of customer circumstances, it is not easy. This session will help you package and process business more efficiently.
Honing your skills as an effective communicator & developing your time management skills
Get control of your day. Learn the difference between urgent and important, and that clear objectives lead to clear priorities.
This session will arm you with tips and techniques to:
Clarify your objectives in life and at work
Reduce the effects of interruptions, how to say “no” politely but assertively
Have more effective meetings, telephone and e-mail engagement
Beat procrastination
And overcoming stress, including the symptoms, the link with time management, and what you can do to reduce it.
To register follow this link:
PLEASE NOTE our registration form does not work in Internet Explorer, please use Google Chrome where possible. If you are still having difficulty registering, please email