

Vida to create specialist relationship teams

Su Fowler
Written By:
February 21, 2022
February 21, 2022

Vida Homeloans has created relationship teams to offer a more focussed approach to provide better support for brokers and customers whose needs are growing more complicated.

In a change designed to bolster the intermediary experience, the teams would work with clubs, networks, specialist distributors, and new builds, Vida said.

In addition, Vida said it had added a key account manager (KAM) finder which allows brokers to find and contact their local KAM directly.  

Richard Tugwell (pictured), director of mortgage distribution, said Vida was “proud to continue to evolve our proposition and meet the complex needs of brokers and their clients”. 

He said the company has “put time and resources into ensuring our relationship teams can provide packagers, panels and brokers with a first class service and be able to accommodate their needs every step of the way. It also reinforces our commitment to offer greater opportunities for intermediaries and their clients who are locked out by the high street lenders”.