Tag Result: Steve Larkin
Developers desperate for broker guidance on funding – LendInvest
The latest survey from the Federation of Master Builders (FMB), where they poll small and ...
Specialist lender funding will be the key issue for 2019 – LendInvest
When an intermediary is sourcing a development finance loan for a client there are a whole...
We cannot allow delivering more homes to result in substandard properties – LendInvest
The housing market has changed significantly since 2012. We have got through at least a ha...
How do we tackle the development slowdown? – LendInvest
One of the frustrations of the housing market at the moment is that a significant number o...
Lendinvest funds £5.5m development on historic Glaswegian site
The specialist lender has provided a £5.5m loan to fund 24 new homes in Glasgow, Scotland...
Lendinvest backs £12m Leeds-based PRS scheme
The specialist property finance lender has completed a £12.5m financing deal with KMRE Gr...
Garden towns cash boost won’t solve housing problem, say experts
The government's cash boost for the garden town initiative is a step in the right directio...
HS2 may reveal lender inexperience in development finance – Regentsmead
HS2 will draw an increase in lenders in the development finance space despite a lack of ex...
Supporting the SME developer – LendInvest
The world of development finance has changed a lot over the last decade, Steve Larkin, di...
Lendinvest scraps exit fee to attract small-scale developers
Following its entry into the development finance sector in December, short-term lender Len...