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‘EU workers putting off buying until it’s clear they will be equals’ – Star Letter 25/08/2017
Each week Mortgage Solutions and its sister title Specialist Lending Solutions select the most thoughtful or thought-provoking comment to be the week’s Star Letter.
This week our Star Letter accolade is awarded to Darrel Leake for his response to the post: Broker market slumps 10% in July with uncertain future
He said: “We found this as well. Normally July is a good month for completions, and also for fresh applications that can be underway during the school holidays.
“We do a lot of business with EU workers resident here. A lot of people we know are settled in here, married, good jobs, kids at school, and want to buy a home, but the general feeling is that Mrs May’s version of how they should be treated after living here for so many years is uncertain.
“So they are putting off buying currently until it becomes clear that they are not to be made second class residents, and that they should have the same status as now.”