The lender has also added a product to its near prime suite aimed at borrowers who fall slightly outside a high street credit score. The product accommodates applicants with no CCJs and defaults in the last 48 months.
Existing near prime products target borrowers with no CCJs or defaults in the last 36 and 24 months respectively.
Rob Barnard (pictured), sales director of Pepper Homeloans, said: “Adverse credit records remain on file for 72 months, despite the fact that borrowers may have conducted their finances in an exemplary fashion in recent years.
“Our NP [near prime] range means that such borrowers now have access to competitively priced mortgage finance and can benefit from rates starting from just 2.28%.”
Pepper has expanded its distribution this year with several network tie-ups. Since February, Ingard, Tenet and Solent have been added to its panel.