

Pam Brown Mortgages joins Mortgage Advice Bureau

Shekina Tuahene
Written By:
May 19, 2023
May 19, 2023

Bicester-based advice firm, Pam Brown Mortgages, has joined Mortgage Advice Bureau (MAB).

The firm was founded by its managing partner Pam Brown (pictured, centre) in 2000. Brown’s daughter Nina (pictured, right) and son Joe (pictured, left) also work for the firm as brokers, with Nina specialising in protection and Joe overseeing the wealth arm of the business. 

Joe is supported by Martin Fouracre, while Vicky Rock works as the firm’s assistant. 

Pam Brown Mortgages also campaigns to raise awareness and support for the charity Crohn’s and Colitis UK, sparked by Joe’s diagnosis with Crohn’s disease at the age of 13. 

The firm recently completed the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £11,000 for the charity. It has raised more than £40,000 for Crohn’s and Colitis UK in the last five years. 

The firm said becoming part of the MAB network would help it access a better product range, new technology, IT systems and support its proposition. 


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Brown said: “Becoming a part of Mortgage Advice Bureau provides us with a fantastic opportunity in terms of brand awareness, and also enables us to offer our clients a ‘one stop shop’ for their mortgage and protection needs.  

“Together with the skill and care of our advisers and Mortgage Advice Bureau’s technology platform, we can now access and source new mortgages and protection policies. We’re in an exceptionally strong position to take our business to the next level.” 

She added: “We’re looking forward to taking advantage of the wealth of opportunities that becoming part of Mortgage Advice Bureau represents. Their hands-on approach will allow us to grab hold of every new opportunity presented to us, and nothing beats the feeling you get from working within a large team and being part of a bigger picture.

“We’re eager to continue our growth and development as a mortgage business, and I strongly believe that joining the Mortgage Advice Bureau network will be key in helping us to achieve our goals.”