The Buy to Let Market Forum 2024, brought to you by Mortgage Solutions, took place from 24th April – 2nd May, visiting Bolton, Birmingham, Cardiff and Reading.

Thank you to everyone who attended, and to our sponsors and speakers.

The Buy to Let Market Forum is specifically tailored to keep you up to speed with the changing market and help you maintain and improve valuable business relationships. The free-to-attend half-day conference brings together a raft of expert buy-to-let lenders and adviser delegates to discuss the key issues impacting the market.

This event is open to mortgage intermediaries only. (This includes brokers, mortgage advisers, and IFAs). Attendees should be actively delivering mortgage or protection advice.

Should you not qualify as one of these job functions, your attendance will be at the discretion of the event organisers.

Email if you are interested in attending our 2025 event.

The Buy to Let Forum 2023

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