Leeds BS adds Mx title to applications to support non-binary members

Non-binary members of Leeds Building Society can now fill out applications with the title ‘Mx’ following an update by the mutual.
The change was made this year and now means people who do not identify solely as either male or female can access products from Leeds without any errors flagging up during the application stage.
The mutual has also marked Pride Month with sessions which discuss LGBTQ+ history, training to support customer interactions and the creation of podcast where colleagues can share their experiences.
Natalie Saunders, Leeds Building Society’s head of inclusion and diversity, said: “Supporting Pride is about more than just celebrating Pride Month each year. To support our LGBTQ+ colleagues all-year round, we have an active LGBTQ+ forum who work with our inclusion and diversity team to drive real change for our colleagues and members.
“We’ve recently run colleague-facing sessions to mark LGBTQ+ history month and shared stories internally about our colleagues’ lived experience.”
Saunders said: “We’re also delighted to have rolled out new training earlier this year to help colleagues offer better support to members who are undergoing or have transitioned. These can also be applied in relation to how we interact with each other as colleagues, for instance not making assumptions on gender or preferred pronouns and using gender neutral terminology.

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“In addition, we have put in place new processes to provide ‘Mx’ as a title option to support non-binary members. This may seem a small change, but it can have a significant impact in making the society a place where difference is embraced, and all colleagues feel included and valued for who they are and the unique perspectives they bring.”