Tag Result: broker education
The Loans Engine sets up specialist lending clinics for brokers
Specialist mortgage broker The Loans Engine has launched a clinic to help advisers underst...
HLP obtains free Air Academy membership for later life advisers
Mortgage network HLPartnership (HLP) has secured free membership to Air Academy for its ad...
Mortgage Brain awarded first CPD accreditation from SMP
Mortgage technology provider Mortgage Brain has become the first company to receive a CPD ...
Knowledge is power for brokers in the current challenging climate – Phillips
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair famously said: “Ask me my three main priorities, and I ...
Consumer Duty: Brokers ‘always reading, learning and improving’ – analysis
The new Consumer Duty rules require the entire financial services sector to ensure that th...
Nearly 40 per cent of later life advisers want more detailed vulnerability training
Advisers working in the later life lending sector have said they want more in-depth traini...
Air Academy launches vulnerability module in preparation for Consumer Duty
Later life lending firm Air has worked with Comentis to develop and launch its ninth Air A...
Equity Release Summit 2023: Broker earnings boost from ‘cheap’ equity release training
The cost for mortgage advisers to train themselves in other advice areas so they can deliv...
ASTL and FIBA ask lenders to support education programme
The Association of Short Term Lenders (ASTL) and Financial Intermediary and Broker Associa...
Five ways brokers are bridging the borrower knowledge gap – analysis
Borrowers are as confused, nervous and disturbed by the state of the mortgage market as th...