Specialist mortgage broker The Loans Engine has launched a clinic to help advisers understand the complexities of specialist cases.
This follows the success of the firm’s ‘Mastering Specialist Lending’ group sessions as it identified a need for a targeted approach which focused on specific product types.
The Loans Engine said the response to its group sessions had been “overwhelmingly positive”, which supported its view that broker education was important in the specialist lending space.
Steve Nobbs, the unregulated mortgages director at The Loans Engine, said: “We firmly believe in placing education at the forefront of the industry. Numerous brokers have approached us with cases that pose challenges due to a lack of understanding and familiarity.
“Consequently, we wanted to provide them with a platform to enhance their knowledge, and ultimately enable them to better support their clients.”
Nobbs added: “To date, we have successfully conducted several clinics focusing on bridging loans and second charge mortgages, with additional sessions covering our broader range of products set to launch in December.”
Shekina is the deputy editor at Mortgage Solutions and commercial editor at Mortgage Solutions and Specialist Lending Solutions. She has nearly eight years of experience in the B2B publishing market, having previously covered the hospitality, retail, pet, accounting and jewellery sectors.
Shekina has worked for Mortgage Solutions and Specialist Lending Solutions for almost five years. Here, she covers the market’s breaking news stories, engages with professionals in the sector, and oversees any commercially agreed content in partnership with mortgage-related companies.
This includes presenting webinars and hosting roundtable discussions on developing themes in the mortgage sector.
She is an NCTJ-trained journalist and was nominated for the Headline Money Awards Mortgage Journalist of the Year in 2021.
In her spare time, Shekina likes to read, travel, listen to music and socialise with friends.
She currently reports on current events in the mortgage market and liaises with financial clients to produce sponsored content.
Follow her on Twitter at @ShekinaMS