The maximum loan size for landlords has been increased to £2m to support high-net-worth (HNW) borrowers. Large loans will be offered up to 75% loan to value (LTV).
The increased limit, which is inclusive of fees added to the loan, applies to all personal BTLs, special purpose vehicles (SPVs), multi-unit blocks (MUBs) and houses in multiple occupation (HMOs).
Ross Williams, head of mortgage product management at Vida, said: “We’re pleased to be able to reintroduce our buy-to-let limited editions, to offer further options to landlord clients, and to suit those who are seeking a lower monthly payment in lieu of a higher product fee.”
Earlier this week, Vida announced it had received its full banking licence after starting the process in 2022. The lender has also changed its name from Vida Homeloans to Vida Bank.