Boris lead should be followed – Star Letter 09/01/2015
Each week Mortgage Solutions picks the most opinionated or thoughtful reader contributions from our article comments and letters to the editor.
We also round-up the best comments, emails and letters to the site and pick one reader contribution as our Star Letter. This week’s award goes to:
Mayor of London announces two first-time buyer schemes
It is scandalous that it is left to Boris to implement policies such as this (credit to him). We need politicians to act on a NATIONAL scale, not just for the benefit of a few Londoners. Failure to act quickly brings us closer to the point where the majority cannot afford to buy their home. Add to that the pathetic pension provision most people have, and we are creating a future generation of pensioners with no assets, and very low incomes. The recently retired (the majority being homeowners) to quote a politician of old, have ‘never had it so good’.
Dave E