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Clifton PF appoints new head of bridging finance

  • 19/10/2021
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Clifton PF appoints new head of bridging finance
Sam O’Neill has been promoted to the role of head of bridging finance at Clifton-based adviser Clifton Private Finance.

O’Neill takes up the post from the start of next month, having worked for the broker for the past four years and is based in Clifton’s Cardiff office.

He will be tasked with overseeing the day-to-day running of the bridging team, as well as help the broker develop tailored client services which cover the various specialist areas of short-term finance.

O’Neill will also oversee the intermediary’s graduate recruitment scheme. The scheme provides would-be advisers with a six-month paid internship, with the aim of them moving onto a full-time contract at the end of that.

O’Neill said he was looking to double the size of the intermediary’s bridging team by the end of the year, adding that bringing in graduate talent provided the opportunity to introduce new ideas, fresh thinking “and an industry that moves with the times”.

He said: “It’s great to receive the recognition for the hard work I have been doing in conjunction with the directors at Clifton in building the Cardiff office into a young, dynamic and fresh thinking brokerage in the specialist finance sector. We would like to think we have a brand identity now and are known for our strong relationships, good conversion rate and top class market knowledge. We aren’t in a rush to expand for the sake of expanding but we are certainly ambitious with our plans. Clifton is a great company to work for and truly believe in rewarding employees who have contributed to the company’s success.”

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