

Fiduciam expects to double women in senior management in 18 months

Owain Thomas
Written By:
July 18, 2019
July 18, 2019

Fiduciam has signed up to the government’s Women in Finance Charter.


The short-term lender said its overall current team was a near 50-50 male-female split, however it acknowledged that women formed only 16 per cent of its senior management team, although it expected this to double in the next 18 months.

Fiduciam said its equality strategy had proved successful in business brought in and noted that its team in Spain was entirely female.

“There is a still larger gender gap in the finance industry in Spain than there is in the UK, and this has enabled Fiduciam to attract top calibre Spanish employees while providing them with a platform to grow and flourish, both professionally and personally,” it said.

Fiduciam added that when interviewing candidates, men and women and employees of several backgrounds and nationalities are involved.


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“This intentionally helps to break any subconscious bias that may influence its recruiting so that they always employ the best person for the job, regardless of gender,” it added.


Held publicly accountable

Signing up to the charter was originally proposed by head of case management Marieke Eskens (pictured).

“All of our colleagues were very supportive when we introduced the idea of signing up to the charter as all welcomed the idea to publicly affirm how seriously Fiduciam takes gender equality,” she said.

“The charter really does put a mark in the sand as to where a firm stands on this subject and more organisations should not be afraid of being held publicly liable for their gender equality goals.”

CEO Johan Groothaert added that the company had signed the charter to be held publicly accountable for its equality and gender diversity practices.

“We believe that diversity and inclusiveness in our workplace are conducive to a successful and dynamic business environment,” he said.

“As a growing international business with employees from 15 different countries speaking twenty different languages, diversity and gender equality are integral parts of our culture.

“We also believe that the Women in Finance Charter is a fundamentally important initiative to broaden the diversity of financial services companies across the UK.

“The more companies sign up to initiatives such as these, the more it influences other firms to do the same thing, providing better career opportunities for women but also a better outcome for society as a whole.”