Better Business
Know Your BDM: Charlie Stack, The Mortgage Lender

This week Specialist Lending Solutions is talking to Charlie Stack, business development manager for The Mortgage Lender.
What locations and how many advisers and broker firms do you cover in your role?
I cover the Midlands area which stretches as far north as Stoke-on-Trent, down to Oxford. I work with around 1,100 registered broker firms.
How do you establish and maintain a good relationship with brokers?

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My job is to make the broker’s role easier and that means going that extra mile. Especially when you’re dealing with complex cases you need to be able to be able to work in close partnership with brokers and think outside the box to find a solution for their borrowers.
What personal skill is most valuable in doing your job?
Being reliable is so important in this industry. Brokers need to be able to rely on you and feel confident that you’re going to make their job easier – not more difficult. I really enjoy working with people and that helps too.
I guess I must be doing something right, because I’ve just found out that I’ve been nominated for the British Specialist Lending Awards as a Rising Star.
What personal skill would you most like to improve on?
I never want to stop learning and gaining knowledge of the industry. That’s important for my job satisfaction but also vital to the brokers I work with too.
What’s the best bit of career-related advice you’ve ever been given?
It was from our head of sales, David Eaves. He said you should treat everyday as a day to learn, and that’s so important because the industry does not stand still, it’s always changing – as are the needs of borrowers and the challenges brokers face.
What is the most memorable property deal you’ve been involved in?
I handled a case last year – it was for over a million pounds and because of the complexities involved I worked with the broker to find a solution for the borrower which took several months. It was a challenging case, and pretty much all of our team got involved. The broker was impressed by the patience and perseverance we showed and over the moon when we found a solution for them.
If you were head of the FCA for the day, what would you change about regulation in the mortgage industry?
To help more first-time buyers onto the property ladder. Last year I bought my first home, but a lot of my friends are struggling. They come to me for advice and a bit of a moan about how difficult it is.
What was your motivation for choosing business development as a career?
My first business development role was with a utility company. Although I enjoyed the sales side of the job, it was phone-based and I needed more interaction with customers. I hadn’t really considered financial services until it was suggested to me by a family friend who took me under his wing and acted as a mentor. The rest, as they say, is history and I’ve never looked back – it’s the perfect job for me.
If you could do any other job in the property sector, what would it be and why?
To be a national account manager at The Mortgage Lender. That’s my next step up.
What did you want to be growing up?
A professional footballer. I was lucky enough to play for my team, West Bromwich Albion as well as Derby County and Burton Albion.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
To have superhuman strength – it seems like it would be a useful (and impressive) superpower to have.
And finally, what’s the strangest question you’ve ever been asked?
I don’t think I’ve had any really strange questions as a BDM – yet. But personally, the strangest is being asked to take part in not one, but three, Crime Watch re-enactments.