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Why being in your comfort zone can cost you sales

by: Dominic Hennessy
  • 18/09/2012
  • 0
Why being in your comfort zone can cost you sales
So what really creates mortgage broking success, good profits and income?

Imagine the following. Would you ever get into a car, with no idea of where you are going? Not only this – but you don’t have a map. Chances of arrival? You are going to run out of petrol in the middle of nowhere feeling confused and disillusioned. Sounds a touch bonkers doesn’t it. Imagine doing it every year, every month and every week.

As far as sales targets go, you need to know what you are trying to achieve, set your mind to it, train for it, be aware of what is under your nose and prospect sufficiently. If you don’t, you are akin to our strange traveller.

Time to work out what your destination is, work backwards, looking at the A-Z of details and plan the map with staging points along the way.

The impact of this alone will make you more successful.

How long? Yearly, monthly, weekly, daily?

A year is too long – a day too short. We find weekly suits well. No more letting things drag out to the end of the month. Set yourself a weekly target and you will be amazed at the opportunities coming across your desk that you simply did not notice before.

Now you need to set yourself a sales target and commit to it. Whoa! I feel some objections coming…

The number one objection is “I don’t want to pressure clients.” Totally agree.

You need lots of clients, considering the right options for them – making decisions in their timescales, not yours. You need to believe in your own integrity and do some more prospecting. Actually busy brokers never pressure clients – it’s only when you have no sales to make that the clients feel your stress.

Does this feel a bit challenging? You’d rather keep doing things your own way? You, my friend, are in a comfort zone. Sadly this feeling of “comfort” is a short term illusion…

Or you are laughing at the simplicity of this? You are easily doing your target? You need to increase your weekly target, today, by 50%. Mmm – not laughing now.

Most mortgage brokers have spent the last few years on the fast track course at the school of hard knocks, so I know you can take this in your stride. Try it out – it works.

Dominic Hennessy is principal at Just Us Mortgages

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