Germany says Greek compromise possible

Germany has said it is willing to compromise with Greece on the terms of repaying its bailout debt.
In the stand-off over the issue, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said a compromise is possible, the BBC reports.
But she added at a conference of other European leaders – “Europe’s credibility depends on us sticking to rules”.
Greece is against extending its bailout deal, saying it is damaging their economy.
On Wednesday, talks with other eurozone members hit a stalemate.
However both sides said there was still hope for a deal. Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem said the talks had been “constructive”.

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The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said as he arrived in Brussels for the summit that he was “very confident” a solution could be found to what he called the EU’s “humanitarian crisis”.
Merkel suggested there was negotiating room: “Europe always aims to find a compromise and this is the cornerstone of Europe’s success.”