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Player Profile

  • 14/04/2008
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First job? Charnock Richards motorway service station on the M6. I was 16, earning £5 a week as a w...

First job?

Charnock Richards motorway service station on the M6. I was 16, earning £5 a week as a waiter and cleaner.

Biggest regret?

Not being George Best.

Do you have any money weaknesses?

Wine and holidays.

If you could change one law, what would it be?

Free up planning regulation laws. Build more houses for us to survey!

What is the most indulgent thing you have ever bought?

First Jaguar. £35,000 in 1998.

What couldn’t you live without?

Music. Classic music album filled with plenty of hits.

First record you have ever bought?

Good vibrations by the Beach Boys.

Favourite O level?


Have you ever been to a fancy dress party? What did you go as?


Favourite actor/actress?

Johnny Depp.

Favourite sporting moment?

That would have to be the 1968 European Cup final. Manchester United beat Portugal’s Benfica 4-1 at Wembley. Especially the goal from Best!

Funniest person?

Billy Connolly.

Who or what would you put in Room 101?

Ken Livingstone. Anyone who keeps newts should not hold public office.

What would you take to a deserted island?

Horsham High Street. All the shops – including the massage parlour, but not the estate agents.

What is your favourite saying?

“20 years ago…”

If you could travel through time, where would you go?

To the English Civil War as a Cavalier – and they would win!

Most embarrassing moment?

I turned up in Basingstoke half an hour early to be interviewed for my first proper job as a surveyor, only to find the interview was in Holborn. I had even traveled down from home the night before and stayed in a hotel near Holborn. I have never gone to a wrong address since.

Which actor or actress would play you in a film of your life?

George Clooney or Des Lynam.

Football or rugby?


Which three people, dead or alive, would you invite to dinner?

Eric Cantona, Eric Clapton and Eric Morecambe.

Sterling or Euro?

Euro – let’s move with the times.

Who was your first crush?

Diana Rigg as Emma Peel in The Avengers.

Childhood TV programme?

Bill and Ben. I had a crush on Little Weed too.

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