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There is something worse than not being talked about..

by: Dominic Hiatt
  • 03/04/2012
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There is something worse than not being talked about..
Our newest blogger, ex-journalist and PR guru Dominic Hiatt gives us his own inimitable take on the mortgage pundits. Be very afraid..

Hand on heart, what do you think of them? Do they say it as it is, or do they talk absolute guff?

Do they give out a good impression of the mortgage industry, or are they just in it to feed their own insatiable egos?

Do they have the interests of other brokers at heart, or are they just riding roughshod over the broader sector to boost their own commercial interests and ROI?

I’m talking, of course, about the mortgage industry’s very own media whores, who roam at will in London’s incestuous media bubble, interested in nothing other than getting another ‘hit’ in the Times, Mail or FT. (but not Mortgage Solutions obviously – ed.)

Now I won’t name these high priests of the home loan because hell, more publicity is the last thing they need, but you know who they are. It’s hard not to given how they scream at you from every webpage and paper.

But things are going to change from now on.

If these pundits are the high priests, then this blog is set to be iconoclasm incarnate, the temple breaker.

In the weeks ahead we’ll give you the tools to start generating some media coverage of your own in the local and national media. Let’s give the tarts a run for their money.

You’ll be glad to know that it’s not rocket science, either. If you can get your head around a few media basics, then you’ll be taking away their media share before you know it.

Now I’ve helped shape a few of these high priests myself, playing Doctor Frankenstein to their monster, so before I’m branded a media tart myself, let me start with a pre-emptive plea of guilty as charged.

Now on with the show.

By Dominic Hiatt, Director, Just In Time PR

Dominic’s blogs will be appearing every month exclusively on Mortgage Solutions.

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