

Advisers need to protect unknowingly vulnerable clients – Defaqto

Nicola Culley
Written By:
July 27, 2012
July 27, 2012

Defaqto has urged advisers to protect “vulnerable” clients who are renting as the National Landlords Association (NLA) reports rising rental arrears.

Ben Heffer said advisers should be looking at protecting clients for more than loan payments especially as the numbers of renters are increasing.

He said: “It is important the industry works hard to raise awareness that people are financially vulnerable and do not realise it.

“Advisers need to explain it to their clients so that they appreciate how difficult it would be should they lose their income, even if they are renting.”

He added short-term income protection was a good product to answer basic needs and was not specific to a loan like PPI products, but that advisers also needed to look at long term protection needs.

According to the latest NLA Landlord’s Panel, 50% of landlords had experienced rental arrears in the last 12 months.


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It has called for landlords to check with tenants if they receive any benefits to cover a sudden change in circumstances.

David Salusbury, chairman of the NLA, said: “It is a sign of the difficult economic conditions that so many landlords are experiencing rental arrears. In these circumstances, landlords should work with their tenants to minimise the impact of financial stress. “

Heffer added: “”It is important that the industry gets the message across that
income needs to be protected even if you are just renting.”