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Kensington to reward brokers for workable ideas

  • 08/07/2014
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Kensington to reward brokers for workable ideas
Kensington has launched an area of its website where brokers can submit ideas for new products and proposition developments to earn £100 worth of John Lewis vouchers each month for the best feasible suggestion.

Each month the specialist lender will publish the most credible ideas it receives, and announce the winning broker who has submitted the idea it considers the most worthy

Alex Hammond, head of marketing communications at Kensington, (pictured) said: “We strive to be the first choice in specialist mortgages and the only way to achieve this is by working closely with our intermediaries.

“The best specialist mortgages come from recognising a need and so we are saying to brokers, if you have ever been unable to find the right mortgage for your client, or you have an idea for products or criteria that would benefit an underserved area of the market, we would like to know.

“We can’t promise we’ll be able to act on every suggestion, but we can promise each and every one will be heard and considered.”

This is the latest in a series of service announcements, from the appointment of two new sales managers Paul Weatherhogg and Declan Walsh to pledging a call from an underwiter for every case.

In February, South African-owner Investec confirmed Kensington’s potential sale and appointed Fenchurch Advisory to oversee it.


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