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Star Letter Extra 07/12/12

  • 07/12/2012
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Star Letter Extra 07/12/12
Each Friday, Mortgage Solutions takes a look back at the best reader comments on the website.

Fighting fraud: No such thing as too much information

Thanks for the tip about free credit reports from Noddle, I have just obtained a free search for myself, and will use it with clients when I feel it is a worthwhile exercise.

I should even be able to get clients to obtain reports whist I am with them if need be, which saves time and money.

Hugh De Mann
03 Dec 2012 | 18:02

Exclusive: Abbey set to fine tune proc fee metrics in New Year

Let’s hope with this greater ability to collate data, they also have the ability to apply the proc fee to the broker, and not the key account.

Jonathan M
04 Dec 2012 | 12:22

Lenders still refusing landlords with tenants on benefit

Of course it is a bigger risk letting landlords have a mortgage with housing benefit tenants. And that is because councils, in their (misguided) wisdom, pay the tenant the benefit and then expect the tenant to pay the landlord/agent.

In lots of cases they do but there are a few who don’t and it causes major problems. Let the council pay the landlord and the risk is gone. House prices will not fall if landlords sell as there is a dire housing shortage in most places.

FT buyers are out of the market because of stricter underwriting and larger deposits being required, not because of landlord tax benefits

04 Dec 2012 | 15:09

#TME2012: Innovation and government support needed in 2013

What is required is for Landlords to sell in their droves. This would happen if they lost their tax incentives and a Rent Act was brought in order to restrict rents they should be linked to Council Tax bands.

It would reduce housing benefits and mean house prices would fall which will allow British FTBs to purchase at realistic levels at around 3 times income. It would reduce immigration as there would be less properties to rent and it will assist the younger generation to find work.

The landlords of my generation have had a good run. It is time they were vastly reduced & replaced by young purchasers as was the case in the past. It will happen as the Treasury will raise £3bn a year in CGT revenue for the rest of the Parliament & vastly reduce benefits.

It will also sort out the bank problem and increase growth. Landlords should sell now at the top of the market as house prices are vastly overvalued.

Colin Cloy
06 Dec 2012 | 15:52

Bank staff still under ‘more’ pressure to sell, finds Which?

I’m sure they are right and the banks are still at it BUT Which? is no longer impartial when it comes to FS as they have their own Mortgage Brokerage.

So when they say Which? said it plans to hand in a dossier of evidence on the banking industry to the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards, MPs and the Financial Services Authority (FSA)”

I’m sure the banking industry will happily point that out to the MPs/FSA.

Egg in a Box
07 Dec 2012 | 10:59

Thank you for your comments this week.

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