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Star Letter Extra 13/12/13

  • 13/12/2013
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Star Letter Extra 13/12/13
Each Friday, Mortgage Solutions takes a look back at the best reader comments on the website.

Do advisers need a high street presence anymore?

An office is totally necessary. I am really surprised at the amount of advisers that still do home visits. What other profession does this. It is around 12 years since I was last in a client’s home. If they want to see me they come to my office.

Why should I pay to have an office and then leave it. From the thousands of phone calls I have had over the years from prospective clients I have never had anyone not come to see me because I do not do home visits.

I am asked quite often about this but I just say that I work 9 to 5 and everyone of them and I mean everyone of them will be able to make it to you. Most importantly for me it means that I have a normal home life. Try it and see.

9 to 5

Dudley BS to consolidate mortgage distribution growth in 2014

Meanwhile in the real world they cannot deal with the applications that they have this year. It would be such a refreshing change if a lender actually got things right this year instead of telling us how great they are going to be next year.

Getting a mortgage offer issued in less than 3 months might be a good place to start.

R M Owen

Do advisers need a high street presence anymore?

An office is not necessary but you do need a Front Door. Whether this be a High Street presence, an estate agent introducer or a website, your clients must be able to find you!

I do believe however, that a High Street location lends credibility to your operation but it is almost impossible to rely solely on walk-in business.

Mortgages are transactional in their very nature, so people will not walk in without a need. The key is to be involved as early as possible in their journey and that is why estate agency is such an obvious way in…

Good Mortgage Man

Lloyds to introduce quality metrics for adviser fees from January

Here is a simple recipe for quality. Don’t hide your telephone sales support on option 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 after fifteen minutes of inane messages. Write all of your criteria down. Get someone to read it that can actually assess whether it is explicitly clear or not. Publish it.

Then direct to people to it, and assess what areas consistently fail quality. Re-write the areas of your criteria that are clearly failing. You will get quality.

Ergo: We don’t all go to work every day thinking “great let’s do all of our customers and our own nut in as much we can by submitting applications to a lender that would never accept them, spending eight weeks sending incorrect documents to them 4 times and then not earn any money for it”. Fin.

Mr Contentious

MPs blocked regulator’s call to ban individuals during investigations

Finally, someone who does not agree with Guilty until Proven Innocent and bankruptcy in the interim from another faceless body to whom you are just a number.


Thank you for your comments this week

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