Better Business
Broker Toolbox: What not to do in online sales pitches
Screen sharing with a client is time-efficient, convenient and helps clients greatly in understanding mortgage options. But it’s important to execute these meetings in a professional manner, says Mark Zondler, director at Mikogo.
Don’t get distracted
When you’re in an online sales presentation with a client, you are surrounded by distractions, all of which serve no purpose during the presentation. You wouldn’t reply to a text in an in-person meeting, so why let all those beeps and pings interfere now? Before you start, log out of your instant messaging application, move your mobile phone out of sight, and close your email.
Don’t lose their attention
It’s your job to keep the client engaged and focused on your presentation material. There are two key ways to achieving this:
1. Tone of voice: You can’t see each other, but body language matters. If you slouch in your chair or hold your head in one hand, you risk sounding dull. Sit up straight and smile. Both posture, which affects your breathing, and smiling will warm up the tone of your voice. Non-verbal communication can have up to 95% more impact than your spoken words.
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2. Asking questions: Involve them and ask if everything is clear. If you’re covering new mortgage options, check if they already know about this: “do you know the difference between a variable and capped rate?”
Don’t share too much
Your computer desktop is most likely filled with files, shortcuts, etc. Move everything into one folder. Only keep open the windows and applications which you need during your presentation. Mortgage advice revolves around a lot of sensitive financial data. Seeing copies of other clients’ bank statements or personal information is highly unprofessional. Keep it clean, keep it professional, and earn the respect and trust of your client.