OSB Group commits £50m to help landlords improve energy efficiency
OSB Group has announced a £50m fund to help landlords make the properties in their portfolios more energy efficient.
This also marks the launch of the group’s Landlord Leaders Community and the Landlord Leaders Fund, which will be used to provide lending at subsidised rates. This will cover both new loans with refurbishment needs and standalone renovations.
The Landlord Leaders community will include brokers, landlords and other professionals in the sector. They will develop a collective manifesto for change in the first half of next year.
OSB Group, which comprises Precise Mortgages, Kent Reliance and Interbay, will launch a range of products through the fund next year. There will also be a process to manage property voids while works are being done to make homes more sustainable.
The group will update its underwriting process for existing landlords and partner with tax specialists to provide advice and guidance for landlords who are looking to professionalise their investments.
As well as this, OSB Group will launch partnerships in the industry. This includes an alliance with Sero, a firm which provides insights with the aim of making homes more sustainable. With Sero, OSB Group will test a concept which gives landlords a free detailed survey to make their portfolios greener.
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OSB: ‘An opportunity for the industry’
Andy Golding, group chief executive of OSB Group, said: “The time has come for the private rented sector to seriously consider what is next. We are on the precipice of change which will create significant benefits for tenants, but at what cost?
“There is an opportunity for the industry to rise to this new challenge and help support both professional and part-time landlords to ensure the industry thrives and continues to focus on its tenants.”
He added: “OSB Group is proud to partner with and support brokers, landlords and tenants across the industry and hope that the measures we plan to implement over the next couple of years will continue to drive positive, tangible change across the industry.
“We call on other industry participants to consider more actions that need to be taken to ensure the right support structures are in place.”