
Better Business

Know Your BDM: Sarah Hartwell, Foundation Home Loans

Anna Sagar
Written By:
January 23, 2023
January 23, 2023

This week Mortgage Solutions is speaking with Sarah Hartwell, regional account manager for the South region at Foundation Home Loans.

What locations and how many advisers and broker firms do you cover in your role?

I cover the South region which has over 1,200 advisers registered over 600 different firms, across postcodes: BH, GU, PO, RG, SL, SP, and SO.


What personal talent/skill is most valuable in doing your job?

Interpersonal and relationship-building skills as well as having a comprehensive knowledge of the specialist market and the solutions that it brings.


How the housing landscape is set to shift

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Where would you rather be stuck, in bumper-to-bumper traffic, or back-to-back meetings that could have been an email, and why?

Back-to-back meetings. I love engaging and being around people, so would definitely prefer the meetings. Even in bumper-to-bumper traffic, I’d most likely be calling my advisers to check in with them anyway.


What’s the best bit of career-related advice you’ve ever been given? Who gave it to you?

The best advice I was given is to see everything even negative things that happen in your career as an opportunity. And that came from Louisa Sedgwick.


How do you keep up to date with developments in the market?

I’m very active on LinkedIn and also an avid reader of Mortgage Solutions, so I see all the news as it happens. I also like to attend events where they have a range of industry experts speaking, in particular the economists.


What was your motivation for choosing this career?

I actually began my financial services journey in 1992 and have had a variety of roles over the years, but the key driver and motivator in all has been putting the customer at the heart of everything I do.


If you could do any other job in the property sector, what would it be and why?

A valuer – I’m really nosy (not that valuers are nosy) so would love the chance to look around other people’s houses.


What did you want to be growing up?

A Nun. I know it sounds silly but I went to a convent school and I thought it was my chosen path, after that a paramedic and here I’ve ended up in financial services, so you can see the link.


If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

To be able to multiply myself during event season – I hate missing out, so would love to be able to be at more than one place at the same time.


What, or who, inspires you?

Claire Lomas MBE. Claire is a motivational speaker who became paralysed after a horse-riding accident. I watched her at a Mortgage Intelligence conference and was absolutely blown away – I’ve since bought her book and follow her across all social media platforms. A quote that sticks with me is: “It was when I focused on what was still possible rather than what I lost, life started to change.”


What has been your greatest non-work-related achievement?

Adopting my little girl, Merci.


What makes a great colleague?

Someone who is fun to work with, supportive to the wider team and helps others succeed. A great colleague is also compassionate and trustworthy.


Name your favourite restaurant and why you love it.

Rick Steins – just love their menu.


And finally, what’s the strangest question you’ve ever been asked?

What would you rather avoid on a Sunday morning walk: one horse-sized duck, or 50 duck-sized horses?