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Personal debt growth rate rises to 0.8%

  • 30/11/2010
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Total personal debt in the UK stood at £1.452trn at the end of October, as the 12-month growth rate rose from 0.1% to 0.8%, new figures suggest.

According to Credit Action, the average household debt in the UK is £8,556 excluding mortgages, and £57,624 including mortgages.

Total secured lending on properties at the end of October stood at £1.236trn, while the annual growth rate remained at 0.8%.

In addition, average household debt was £17,825 if the average was based on the number of households that have some form of unsecured loan, warned the charity.

Meanwhile, total lending rose £1.3bn, secured lending rose by £1bn and consumer credit lending rose £0.3bn.

Total consumer credit lending to individuals at the end of October 2010 was £216bn. The annual growth rate of consumer credit increased from 0.4% to 0.6%.

In the third quarter of the year, UK banks and building societies wrote off £1.83bn of loans, with £740m of that relating to credit card debt.


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