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Imagine you’re the businessman you want to be..

by: Peter Welch
  • 07/02/2012
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Imagine you’re the businessman you want to be..
We’re already into the second month of the year and, for many of us, our New Year’s resolutions are a dim memory along with those of the Christmas and New Year parties.

I would wager that most resolutions are tasks, activities or habits that we feel we need to attend to. Basically, things we need to either do or not do.

This may feel like a subtle or esoteric point for many, but I would like to focus on the difference between ‘doing’ and ‘being’. My point is that most successful people stand out because they practice ‘being’ rather than ‘doing’.

I have a very good reason for wanting to get you to focus on your way of being, rather than what you achieve.

I’m assuming that if you are reading this, you are looking for some form of change or improvement in your outcomes.

However, if change is required, the news is that your subconscious will be working to maintain the status quo and keep you where you are, rather than helping you grow and develop as a person/leader/professional/entrepreneur.

The logical approach is to have our subconscious working with us rather than against us.

By imagining a way to ‘be’, which is aligned to our values and goals, and which stirs up the right feelings and emotions for us, it becomes far easier for us to move to that way of being.

For example, a great place to start is imagining yourself as an ethical and successful adviser, respected in the community, whose clients immediately turn to for advice.

If that feels good, imagine yourself being that person (assuming you’re not already) and try to live your life the way that imaginary person would.

What choices would they make in life/business? How would they ‘be’ when faced with a difficult situation or decision?

By concentrating on being rather than doing, change becomes far easier.

Mahatma Gandhi said it most eloquently: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” It is as true in your personal life as it is in world affairs and may well see you reaping some significant rewards and achievements should you be able to make that change.

Peter Welch is head of sales and distribution at Bridgewater Equity Release

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