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The issues that got you hot under the collar

  • 27/07/2012
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The issues that got you hot under the collar
Each Friday, Mortgage Solutions takes a look back at the best reader comments on the website.

Accord cuts rates by 0.60%

TIMBERRRRR! Hear that? It’s the sound of the rates falling around us!

Johnny Bravo
26 Jul 2012 | 15:30

Interest only – Like a bad joke

What a well written, concise and sensible article. Knee jerk over the top lending policy has now rendered many home owners unremortgageable. Are these policy makers a bunch of comedians having a laugh at our expense? £1 million pension pot! How ridiculous.

Many people with interest only mortgages are now trapped and will be potentially forever unless some sensible lending policy comes back.

It will only take one and the others will follow. So who is going to steal a march and make some sensible, realistic suggestions?

24 Jul 2012 | 14:26

Why Olympic football should be kicked into touch

Couldn’t agree more for the men. I read an article in Independent recently saying precisely that; any sport for which it isn’t the pinnacle, shouldn’t be in. Tennis in there is a nonesense too

Des Platt
25 Jul 2012 | 16:56

First-time buyer lender close to FSA approval

What we really need is for a new lender to come in and make these banks up their game with sustained good rates, open to all intermediaries and with good customer care. Not easy but there is money to be made in starting a business doing these things..

Gordon L
27 Jul 2012 | 15:32

Thanks for all your comments this week

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