Are packagers making a comeback?

With all areas of the mortgage sector growing there is now an increased focus on the packaging and distribution market.
Earlier this week David Copland, director of mortgage services at LSL, praised the impact of packagers in a blog for Mortgage Solutions ahead of the relaunch of Pink’s packaging arm.
“While packagers were almost wiped out in the credit crunch there appears to be an ever increasing demand for them from both brokers and lenders at the moment,” he said.
“As more niche mortgages come back to market, some brokers also feel the need for some more specialist help with researching and sourcing mortgages; packagers’ specialist knowledge compliments the systemised approach of the sourcing systems.”
The latest Mortgage Solutions People’s Poll asks brokers whether they are placing more cases through packagers than at this point last year.
Click HERE to have your say.

How the housing landscape is set to shift
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