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The issues that got you hot under the collar

  • 31/08/2012
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The issues that got you hot under the collar
Each Friday, Mortgage Solutions takes a look back at the best reader comments on the website.

Accord tweaks interest-only criteria for sale of property

Yet another reduction in consumer options. What lenders are saying is that they do not have enough time or intelligence to assess cases on an individual basis.

What about a million pound house with £400,000 equity for example? Or a two million pound house with £500,000 equity? And what about those borrowers who fully intend to overpay but are not prepared to take the risk on future rate rises smashing their affordability?

Stuart Duncan
30 Aug 2012 | 15:08

Halifax: Mortgage payments at 15-year low

Yes I saw this too and it rather makes a mockery of all the crocodile tears last week about all those poor people having to continue their mortgages into retirement.

I was pilloried for my view. It makes one wonder why these people can’t up their payments to try and clear the loans earlier.

Harry Katz
28 Aug 2012 | 10:57

Recent banking scandals turn customers onto building societies

Banks have taken too many liberties with people for too long, I now get clients asking what building society deals I have as they would prefer to be with a lender that is more trustworthy. Shame some of their processing systems are so bloody slow.

Johnny Bravo
31 Aug 2012 | 14:47

Mortgage advice firm boss convicted of dodging £28 cab fare

I assume he has now reported his criminal record to the FSA? Why is it those who like the limelight so much when preaching to us mere mortals shy away when questioned about their ill-judged actions.

Andy Rooke
31 Aug 2012 | 12:03

I dont know the bloke from adam, but this site is to do with Mortgage news. How does [this] inform us of anything? Pointless. I couldn’t care less what he does in his private life just like I couldnt care what the mortgage advisor over the road does.

He’s not actually admitting he was in the wrong. I’ve had taxi drivers tell me an agreed fee then it all of a sudden goes up – he’s saying he doesn’t think he was wrong but he was very drunk and has no proof otherwise.

31 Aug 2012 | 13:47

Tony, I disagree with you. This story is in the public’s interest.

Simret Samra
31 Aug 2012 | 14:27

Thanks for all your comments this week

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