

Accord Mortgages widens Cascade Score to include remortgage

Anna Sagar
Written By:
November 9, 2022
November 9, 2022

Accord Mortgages has improved its Cascade Score range, an alternative option for borrowers who do not meet its higher loan to value (LTV) scorecard, to include remortgage as well as purchase applications.

The product was launched in April this year and was aimed at residential clients looking for an 85 to 90 per cent LTV mortgage that wasn’t new build. It was initially only available for purchase.

Cascade Score works when a broker submits a decision in principle, and where a client may have previously been declined, the mortgage and sales platform with automatically cascade some cases and make the broker aware that their customer could be eligible.

The customer is subject to affordability and lending criteria being met and lending is unavailable for new-build properties.

Nicola Alvarez (pictured), senior manager for new propositions at Accord Mortgages, said: “Cascade Score was really well-received by brokers when we first launched it, so it was only right we continued to explore ways we could improve this range and help even more people.

“I’m really pleased we’re able to extend it to remortgage clients as well as purchase, building on the success of the initial range as part of our continued commitment to common-sense lending.”


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